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Illinois Hospital Closure Showcases Ransomware's Existential Threat

🏥 Illinois Hospital suffered a devastating #ransomware attack in 2021, forcing employees to pen&paper for months with no access to main IT systems. Now this hospital is ceasing operations permanently, due to this and other challenges.

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Understanding Malware-as-a-Service

☢️ MaaS is a way for top cybercriminals to cash in, as they sell their malware to (often) less proficient attackers. At the same time it lowers the bar for entering #cybercrime community. Learn more about MaaS market >>

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LockBit victims in the US alone paid over $90m in ransoms since 2020

⚠️ Seven nations (e.g. USA, UK, Germany) issued a joint security advisory about LockBit #ransomware gang. Advisory is a manual for identifying, stopping and reporting LockBit activity, which has cost > $90m for only US victims in 3 years.

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People Are Pirating GPT-4 By Scraping Exposed API Keys

💳 To use OpenAI's LLMs (eg GPT-4), you need an OpenAI account w/ credit card. Some authors have left API keys exposed in their publicly accessible code - and now access to accounts with upto 150k$ usage are offered online. #cybercrime

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New PowerDrop Malware Targeting U.S. Aerospace Industry

⚠️ Novel #malware found implanted in an unnamed domestic aerospace defense contractor last month. "PowerDrop uses advanced techniques to evade detection such as deception, encoding, and encryption" #cybersecurity #criticalinfra

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7 tips for spotting a fake mobile app

📱 Many apps are after your money or personal data. Remember when downloading apps: ✅ Check the developer’s pedigree 📵 Look out for excessive app permissions Other similar tips for #cybersecurity in the article >>

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Deepfake Cyber Attack Hits Russia: Fake Putin Message Broadcasted

📺 Hacker snuck in a fabricated message from Putin to russian radio and TV. Audio deepfakes are becoming very feasible with current tech. Convincing video deepfakes are more of a challenge, for now. #cybersecurity

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Volt Typhoon targets US critical infrastructure with living-off-the-land techniques

Volt Typhoon is a state-sponsored actor, active since mid-2021 that targets critical infrastructure in the US. ➡️ This blog from MS describes their tactics for achieving / maintaining unauthorized access to target networks. #cybersecurity

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OpenAI Leaders Call For Regulation To Prevent AI Destroying Humanity

ChatGPT founders call for a regulator to: ⚖️ place restrictions on AI 🔎 audit AI systems ✔️ test for compliance with safety standards in order to combat e.g. lock-in effects and becoming completely dependent on machines. #cybersecurity

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