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NIS2 Compliance: Top 5 Reasons for the Manufacturing Sector

The article highlights the critical importance for manufacturers to comply with NIS2 regulations to safeguard their operations and infrastructure from cyber threats.



Cannes Hospital data breach, the impact of AI and NIS2 evolution: the Cyberday product and news round-up 5/2024 🛡️

May's Product and News Update presents the new monthly ISMS reports as well as the Metrics page. Other topics include Cyberday's new framework DORA and recent news around the world.



6 ways to assess security work effectiveness

Evaluating the effectiveness of your cybersecurity involves examining the adequacy of your existing security measures. This process helps you identify your current security status and determine the necessary actions to enhance and fortify.



Best Practices from ISO 27001 for Secure System Acquisition and Development: Create your NIS2 measures

Get tips on securely acquiring and developing systems with a focus on ISO 27001, helping meet NIS2 requirements. Post explains key aspects like secure coding, acquiring secure applications and testing or publishing changes in a controlled manner.



Build your NIS2 measures for Business Continuity and Backups with ISO 27001

This post offers insight on complying with NIS2's continuity and backup requirements using ISO 27001's best practices. It guides you through continuity planning, backup processes, challenges, and achieving compliance effectively.



Understanding HR Security Basics for ISO 27001 & NIS2 Compliance

Discover how the crucial role of HR in information security not only shapes the corporate security culture, but also steers the organization towards ISO 27001 and NIS2 compliance, ensuring secure handling of information assets and much more.



Access Control & MFA (NIS2 21.2): Build A Solid Foundation with ISO 27001 Best Practices

What are the requirements for access control and MFA in NIS2 and ISO 27001 and how can they be implemented successfully? Learn more about the controls, requirements, best practices and how to overcome potential challenges in this blog post.



Potential Struggles IT Companies might Encounter with Incident Identification and Reporting Today

The complexities of incident identification and reporting in IT, touching on coordination problems, tool inadequacies, and process deficiencies. It explores modern challenges like cyber threats and alert fatigue, as well as the cognitive gap.



The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases

📧 Some users tame their inbox with +app email aliases. Using these can make you the first to know about a breach or leak, if u start receiving mail to an app's alias! Downside is the format might not work on all services. #cybersecurity

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10 Credential Stealing Python Libraries Found on PyPI Repository

⚠️ Growing #cybersecurity threat - bad actors publish rogue software on popular public repositories. Now 10 modules removed from Python Package Index (PyPI) that harvest critical data (e.g. passwords, API tokens). Details in article >>

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Hackers Compromise Employee Accounts to Access Twilio Internal Systems

⚠️ Twilio's employees were hit with SMS #phishing messages supposedly from the company’s IT department. Organizations serious about their customers’ data should actively guide employees to spot scams. Article has some tips for this >>

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Slack admits to leaking hashed passwords for five years

Slack notified users of an embarrassing #cybersecurity snafu, as workspace invitations included senders hashed password. 🔐 This article also includes clearly worded info about password hashing, salting and stretching. Valuable read!

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Start as you mean to go on: the top 10 steps to securing your new computer

Protect your PC from #cybersecurity threats: 🔧 Auto-updates for OS, software and browser 🛑 Remove bloatware 💾 Configure backups 🌐 Check browser privacy/security settings 🔏 Use a password manager and MFA Continues on the article >>

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VirusTotal Reveals Most Impersonated Software in Malware Attacks

To create e.g. successful #phishing attacks, cyber criminals are mimicking legitimate businesses and apps. 📱 Most impersonated apps include: Skype Adobe Reader TeamViewer CCleaner MS Edge Zoom WhatsApp

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How IT Teams Can Use 'Harm Reduction' for Better Cybersecurity Outcomes

Harm reduction approach in #cybersecurity guidance: ⛔ "Never use QR codes!" vs. ⚠️ "Well.. if you do use a QR code, at least use these cues to know, if you landed on a secure site or not." Efficient or sloppy?

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FEMA warns emergency alert systems could be hacked to transmit fake messages unless software is updated

⚠️ #Cybersecurity researcher provided FEMA with evidence that unpatched EAS (Emergency Alert System) devices are vulnerable. 📺 TV and radio networks use these to transmit alerts. This could allow hackers to broadcast fake alert messages.

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Microsoft accounts targeted with new MFA-bypassing phishing kit

⚠️ Ongoing large-scale attack uses typo-squatted domains and proxy-based #phishing kit to target MS users and bypass MFA. Goal - breach corporate accounts for BEC attacks and divert payments to attacker's bank accounts. Attack details >>

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