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The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases

📧 Some users tame their inbox with +app email aliases. Using these can make you the first to know about a breach or leak, if u start receiving mail to an app's alias! Downside is the format might not work on all services. #cybersecurity

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10 Credential Stealing Python Libraries Found on PyPI Repository

⚠️ Growing #cybersecurity threat - bad actors publish rogue software on popular public repositories. Now 10 modules removed from Python Package Index (PyPI) that harvest critical data (e.g. passwords, API tokens). Details in article >>

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Hackers Compromise Employee Accounts to Access Twilio Internal Systems

⚠️ Twilio's employees were hit with SMS #phishing messages supposedly from the company’s IT department. Organizations serious about their customers’ data should actively guide employees to spot scams. Article has some tips for this >>

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Slack admits to leaking hashed passwords for five years

Slack notified users of an embarrassing #cybersecurity snafu, as workspace invitations included senders hashed password. 🔐 This article also includes clearly worded info about password hashing, salting and stretching. Valuable read!

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Start as you mean to go on: the top 10 steps to securing your new computer

Protect your PC from #cybersecurity threats: 🔧 Auto-updates for OS, software and browser 🛑 Remove bloatware 💾 Configure backups 🌐 Check browser privacy/security settings 🔏 Use a password manager and MFA Continues on the article >>

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VirusTotal Reveals Most Impersonated Software in Malware Attacks

To create e.g. successful #phishing attacks, cyber criminals are mimicking legitimate businesses and apps. 📱 Most impersonated apps include: Skype Adobe Reader TeamViewer CCleaner MS Edge Zoom WhatsApp

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How IT Teams Can Use 'Harm Reduction' for Better Cybersecurity Outcomes

Harm reduction approach in #cybersecurity guidance: ⛔ "Never use QR codes!" vs. ⚠️ "Well.. if you do use a QR code, at least use these cues to know, if you landed on a secure site or not." Efficient or sloppy?

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FEMA warns emergency alert systems could be hacked to transmit fake messages unless software is updated

⚠️ #Cybersecurity researcher provided FEMA with evidence that unpatched EAS (Emergency Alert System) devices are vulnerable. 📺 TV and radio networks use these to transmit alerts. This could allow hackers to broadcast fake alert messages.

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Microsoft accounts targeted with new MFA-bypassing phishing kit

⚠️ Ongoing large-scale attack uses typo-squatted domains and proxy-based #phishing kit to target MS users and bypass MFA. Goal - breach corporate accounts for BEC attacks and divert payments to attacker's bank accounts. Attack details >>

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