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NIS2: Who's in the scope and what security measures are required? (part 2/3)

In this post you'll learn about what industries are affected by NIS2, security requirements the directive sets, and the available enforcement methods if an organization is not compliant.



NIS2: Working towards compliance with Cyberday (3/3)

✈️ You want to lift your cyber security management to a new level & get NIS2 compliant with a smart tool like Cyberday? In this post you'll learn how your organization can achieve NIS2 compliance in a smart way by building an own agile ISMS.



NIS2: Get familiar with the EU's new cyber security directive (part 1/3)

Learn about the background and reasons behind the EU's new Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive. How does it affect your company and how should you react to be compliant?



SOC 2: Working towards compliance (1/2)

With the help of SOC 2, organisations can provide proof of effectively implemented controls and the use of best practices to protect the data to their customers and stakeholders, which may help to build trust.



Personnel information security training and guidelines in Cyberday

Most data breaches start with human error. Still, investments in technical information security are often made more eagerly. We tell you why staff information security training and guidelines are important and how to implement then efficiently.



Information security risk management in Cyberday: Identifying risks, evaluation, treatment and closure

Every cyber security framework highlights risk management in its own way. We summarize in this post, what's essential in information security risk management and what kind of an approach Cyberday offers for it.



Become a Cyberday partner: Features, benefits and best practices

A good and efficient tool such as Cyberday is a great way to work on the organization's cyber secuirty. However, for some organizations that is not enough and the expertise and support of a consultant is needed. Our partner program offers both!



Cyberday Community has been launched!

We just launched a new Community section inside Cyberday. Our goal is to make collaboration with your peers and with us easier and thus help you improve your information security even further!



Industroyer: A cyber‑weapon that brought down a power grid

Back in 2017, Industroyer was the first #malware targeted for hitting power grids. ⚠️ In 04/22 Rus attacked grids in UKR. Attack was luckily thwarted, but critical infrastructure is becoming more and more frequent target for cyber attacks.

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Travel-related Cybercrime Takes Off as Industry Rebounds

Researchers warn a post-COVID upsurge in travel has painted a bullseye on the industry and has spurred #cybercrime's. Rising: ✈️ Theft of airline reward points 🔐 Account takeover for travel websites 🗄️ Travel-related database breaches

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New Hertzbleed Side Channel Attack Affects All Modern AMD and Intel CPUs

⚠️ New interesting #vulnerability in modern Intel/AMD processors can let attackers steal e.g. encryption keys via timing-based side channels. Intel recommends cryptographic devs to harden apps against frequency throttling info disclosure.

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Facebook Messenger Scam Duped Millions

🎣 One #phishing scam stole 1M FB credentials in 4 months - and counting. Scam included familiar elements: 🔗 short msg with a link ↩️ chain of redirects to dodge security 🔐 fake FB login 🤖 automated distribution to victim's friends

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Ransomware Group Debuts Searchable Victim Data

#Ransomware groups have started regularly threatening to publish stolen victim data on dark web. ⚠️ Latest cunning innovation to get victims concerned is publishing on public internet, with all data available in an easily searchable form.

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Paying Ransomware Paints Bigger Bullseye on Target’s Back

#Ransomware deals often go wrong: ⚠️ 80% of victims that paid were hit a 2nd time ⚠️ Frequently data became unusable during the decryption because of corruption issues Remember - attackers will often try to profit in any possible way.

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Cybersecurity awareness training: What is it and what works best?

82% of breaches in 2021 involved a “human element.” Bad actors exploit credulous or careless employees. Trends that grow the need for employee #cybersecurity skills: 🔓 Poor password practices 🦹 Cybercrime growth 📲 Hybrid work

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Know your enemy! Learn how cybercrime adversaries get in…

Researchers dug into reports of 144 real-life #cyberattack's. ⚠️ Unpatched vulnerabilties entry point for 50% of attacks ⌛ Attackers around for more than a month on avg 🖥️ RDP abused to spread the attack by more than 80% of attackers

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Apple's New Feature Will Install Security Updates Automatically Without Full OS Update

Apple: "macOS security gets even stronger with new tools that make the Mac more resistant to attack, including Rapid Security Response that works in between normal updates to easily keep security up to date without a reboot" #cybersecurity

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