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Phishing Campaign Uses Mathematical Symbols to Trick AI-based Spam Detectors

📨 In a “New eVoice” phishing email impersonating Verizon, the letter V of the logo had been replaced with nearby symbols (e.g. ✔️) so that AI-based security systems would not detect the brand impersonation. #cybersecurity

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Microsoft Fended Off a Record 2.4 Tbps DDoS Attack Targeting Azure Customers

DDoS attack on Azure environment came from a botnet of estimated 70,000 "infected devices". ⚠️ Growing attacks (lately also Yandex) tell of a frightening ability to overwhelm a desired service with huge traffic. #cybersecurity

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Why Does The Internet Keep Breaking?

As part of "routine maintenance", engineers accidentally disconnected Facebook data centres from the wider internet. ⚠️ Reliance on few companies to deliver huge portion of Internet is making global outages more frequent. #cybersecurity

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Ransomware operators behind hundreds of attacks arrested in Ukraine

🚨 2 ransomware gang members arrested, w/ 100 attacks and $150 million in damages - face up to 12 years in prison. Authorities increasingly target individual members as a way to disrupt gang's activities and spread fear. #cybersecurity

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Ransomware: what protects against it best? | Kaspersky official blog

🧪 AV-TEST tested some eading ransomware solutions. 3 scenarios and 113 attack samples brought protection results from 33% - 100%. All security solutions promise to deliver, but in practice work quite differently. #cybersecurity

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Creating Wireless Signals with Ethernet Cable to Steal Data from Air-Gapped Systems

Example of interesting data exfiltration mechanism, "LANtenna Attack": 📡 employs Ethernet cables as a "transmitting antenna" to stealthily siphon highly-sensitive data from air-gapped systems #cybersecurity

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Why today’s cybersecurity threats are more dangerous

4 examples of drivers for added #cybersecurity danger: ⚠️ growing interdependence and complexity in systems ⚠️ lower barriers for entry to cybercrime ⚠️ unsecured IoT devices ⚠️ ransomware business too profitable for attackers

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What Happened to Facebook, Instagram, & WhatsApp?

On Monday, Facebook revoked GDP records, i.e. took away the map telling the world’s computers how to find its various online properties. Read more about the nasty outage from Brian Krebs. #cybersecurity

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Uusi huijaus kiusaa nettikirppisten käyttäjiä – "Kortti niistetään niin tyhjäksi kuin pystytään", varoittaa asiantuntija

⚠️ On peer-to-peer websites (e.g. Tori.fi), a scam is accelerating that phishes steals credit card info. An interested buyer sends an SMS with a link, for example, to arrange a postal delivery. Beware of suspicious links! #cybersecurity

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