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NIS2 Compliance: Top 5 Reasons for the Manufacturing Sector

The article highlights the critical importance for manufacturers to comply with NIS2 regulations to safeguard their operations and infrastructure from cyber threats.



Cannes Hospital data breach, the impact of AI and NIS2 evolution: the Cyberday product and news round-up 5/2024 🛡️

May's Product and News Update presents the new monthly ISMS reports as well as the Metrics page. Other topics include Cyberday's new framework DORA and recent news around the world.



6 ways to assess security work effectiveness

Evaluating the effectiveness of your cybersecurity involves examining the adequacy of your existing security measures. This process helps you identify your current security status and determine the necessary actions to enhance and fortify.



Best Practices from ISO 27001 for Secure System Acquisition and Development: Create your NIS2 measures

Get tips on securely acquiring and developing systems with a focus on ISO 27001, helping meet NIS2 requirements. Post explains key aspects like secure coding, acquiring secure applications and testing or publishing changes in a controlled manner.



Build your NIS2 measures for Business Continuity and Backups with ISO 27001

This post offers insight on complying with NIS2's continuity and backup requirements using ISO 27001's best practices. It guides you through continuity planning, backup processes, challenges, and achieving compliance effectively.



Understanding HR Security Basics for ISO 27001 & NIS2 Compliance

Discover how the crucial role of HR in information security not only shapes the corporate security culture, but also steers the organization towards ISO 27001 and NIS2 compliance, ensuring secure handling of information assets and much more.



Access Control & MFA (NIS2 21.2): Build A Solid Foundation with ISO 27001 Best Practices

What are the requirements for access control and MFA in NIS2 and ISO 27001 and how can they be implemented successfully? Learn more about the controls, requirements, best practices and how to overcome potential challenges in this blog post.



Potential Struggles IT Companies might Encounter with Incident Identification and Reporting Today

The complexities of incident identification and reporting in IT, touching on coordination problems, tool inadequacies, and process deficiencies. It explores modern challenges like cyber threats and alert fatigue, as well as the cognitive gap.



Largest Meat Producer Getting Back Online After Cyberattack

JBS, one of the world’s largest meat producers, is resuming production after a ransomware attack. No one is talking about payments, which is common when initial negotiations are active - or criminals have already been paid. #cybersecurity

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“Have I Been Pwned” breach site partners with… the FBI!

Use HIBP to check, if your credentials were included in published data breaches. Now FBI partners with HIBP. They provide compromised passwords found in investigations to HIBP, so the search extends beyond published breaches. #cybersecurity

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Beware: Walmart phishing attack says your package was not delivered

Phishing victims are urged to send their mailing address to the attacker impersonating Walmart. Goal is likely to use address info to conduct a more malicious activities, sending you further, more customized scam emails. #cybersecurity

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Euroopan tietosuojaneuvostolta lausunnot ensimmäisistä ylikansallisista käytännesäännöistä ja suosituksia luottokorttitietojen tallentamisen oikeusperusteesta

🚀 EDPB approved first codes of conduct. E.g. CLOUD CoC gives guidance and specific requirements cloud providers can comply to demonstrate that they act in accordance with the requirements of GDPR. #cybersecurity

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Google Play Store to Add Privacy Labels to Android Apps by 2022

Following Apple’s similar initiative, Google announced privacy labels arriving to Play Store. The purpose is to give user a brief summary to apps #cybersecurity, related assurance, and personal data processing practices.

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Cybersecurity leaders lacking basic cyber hygiene

74% of cybersec leaders targeted in phishing attack in last 90 days. Still basic security hygiene is partly lacking: ⚠️ 45% connect to public Wi-Fi without a VPN ⚠️ 24% use the same passwords for work and personal use #cybersecurity

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DHS to issue first cybersecurity regulations for pipelines after Colonial hack

The recent Colonial Pipeline attack has mobilized authorities in the United States. For the first time, cyber security in the pipeline industry is being regulated in attempt to avoid similar situations in the future. #cybersecurity

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Päivitä heti: VMware varoittaa kriittisestä haavoittuvuudesta

VMware prompts vCenter users to patch vCenter Server versions 6.5, 6.7, and 7.0 immediately. Upon gaining access to port 443, an attacker may choose to run any code of his choice on the host. #cybersecurity

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Should Paying Hacker Ransoms Be Illegal?

#Ransomware gangs make money. Colonial Pipeline just paid 4,5 M$ ransom - small part of one group's earnings. No-one wants payments for crooks, but ban has its difficulties too, especially if organisation is poorly prepared. #cybersecurity

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