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NIS2: Who's in the scope and what security measures are required? (part 2/3)

In this post you'll learn about what industries are affected by NIS2, security requirements the directive sets, and the available enforcement methods if an organization is not compliant.



NIS2: Working towards compliance with Cyberday (3/3)

✈️ You want to lift your cyber security management to a new level & get NIS2 compliant with a smart tool like Cyberday? In this post you'll learn how your organization can achieve NIS2 compliance in a smart way by building an own agile ISMS.



NIS2: Get familiar with the EU's new cyber security directive (part 1/3)

Learn about the background and reasons behind the EU's new Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive. How does it affect your company and how should you react to be compliant?



SOC 2: Working towards compliance (1/2)

With the help of SOC 2, organisations can provide proof of effectively implemented controls and the use of best practices to protect the data to their customers and stakeholders, which may help to build trust.



Personnel information security training and guidelines in Cyberday

Most data breaches start with human error. Still, investments in technical information security are often made more eagerly. We tell you why staff information security training and guidelines are important and how to implement then efficiently.



Information security risk management in Cyberday: Identifying risks, evaluation, treatment and closure

Every cyber security framework highlights risk management in its own way. We summarize in this post, what's essential in information security risk management and what kind of an approach Cyberday offers for it.



Become a Cyberday partner: Features, benefits and best practices

A good and efficient tool such as Cyberday is a great way to work on the organization's cyber secuirty. However, for some organizations that is not enough and the expertise and support of a consultant is needed. Our partner program offers both!



Cyberday Community has been launched!

We just launched a new Community section inside Cyberday. Our goal is to make collaboration with your peers and with us easier and thus help you improve your information security even further!



43% of IT professionals are still tracking assets in spreadsheets

43% of IT professionals report using spreadsheets as one of their resources for tracking assets, according to Ivanti. Further, 56% currently do not manage the entire asset lifecycle, risking redundant assets, potentially creating a risk, and causing unnecessary and costly purchases. Findings from the survey demonstrate the need for greater alignment between ITSM and ITAM processes, especially when looking at the time spent reconciling inventory/assets. Nearly a quarter of respondents reported spending hours per week … More → The post 43% of IT professionals are still tracking assets in spreadsheets appeared first on Help Net Security.

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Employee Negligence

Ransomware Victim Southwire Sues Maze Operators

Attackers demanded $6 million from the wire and cable manufacturer when they launched a December ransomware campaign.

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Ransomware Attack Hits Major US Data Center Provider

CyrusOne, one of the biggest data center providers in the US, has suffered a ransomware attack, ZDNet has learned. FIA Tech, a financial and brokerage firm, has informed customers today that an outage of their respective cloud services originated at their data center provider. FIA Tech did not name the data center provider, but a quick search identified it as CyrusOne. In a message to customers, FIA Tech said "the attack was focused on disrupting operations in an attempt to obtain a ransom from our data center provider." A source has told ZDNet today that the incident has not impacted all of CyrusOne's data centers, but that restoring servers and customer data will be a lengthy process. The company owns 45 data centers in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, and has more than 1,000 customers.

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5 Common Cybersecurity Threats Businesses Face

The best way for businesses to protect against these 5 common threats is to have a comprehensive set of security tools in place, and to train employees and also monitor their activities.

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Data Protection and Privacy Officer Priorities 2020

A survey of 471 data protection and privacy officers provides valuable insights into their challenges and priorities for 2020 The Data Protection and Privacy Officer Priorities 2020 report is a comprehensive look at the current challenges DPOs are facing as they adapt their programs to a world in which data privacy is going mainstream. The report surveys 471 privacy specialists working for companies around the world, representing a mix of 16 industries to provide a broad overview of their 2020 […]

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Illegal Personal Data Processing

!@#$%^&*: The Most Used Passwords in the World Are as Bad as You Imagine

A complex and robust password is the first step towards a safer online presence, but some people straight up ignore this simple rule and choose the worst possible password. The weakest passwords, at least, are remarkably consistent from year to year, according to information provided by SplashData. The user name and password for login are […] The post !@#$%^&*: The Most Used Passwords in the World Are as Bad as You Imagine appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Password Attacks

Let's Stop the 5G Hysteria: Understanding Hoaxes and Disinformation Campaigns

Presently sponsored by: Going beyond the perimeter: what a 'zero-trust' approach to security means and how to get started. Download the guide by Duo Security. Hey, did you hear that Facebook are going to start using your personal photos in whatever way they see fit? For real, it's going to start tomorrow unless you act quickly! All you have to do is copy and paste this message onto your own Facebook page and wammo -

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SNAKE Ransomware Targeting Entire Corporate Networks

Security researchers have observed samples of the new SNAKE ransomware family targeting organizations’ entire corporate networks. Upon successful infection, the ransomware deletes the machine’s Shadow Volume Copies before terminating various processes associated with SCADA systems, network management solutions, virtual machines and other tools. The ransom note of SNAKE ransomware (Source: Bleeping Computer) That’s not all the ransom note says. Bleeping Computer points this out in a blog post on SNAKE: As you can see from the language in the ransom note, this ransomware specifically targets the entire network rather than individual workstations. SNAKE isn’t the first ransomware that’s directed its focus to entire corporate networks. Back in March 2019, for instance, researchers discovered a new variant of the CryptoMix Clop ransomware family that claimed to target entire networks instead of individual users’ machines.

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Consumers will opt for competitors after a single ransomware-related service disruption

While most consumers are taking necessary security precautions to protect their online accounts, businesses may not be doing enough to protect their information – inadvertently driving sales to competitors that can, an Arcserve research reveals. A survey of nearly 2,000 consumers across North America, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, found that 70% believe businesses aren’t doing enough to adequately secure their personal information and assume it has been compromised without them knowing it. And, … More → The post Consumers will opt for competitors after a single ransomware-related service disruption appeared first on Help Net Security.

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