Akademiets hjem
Brugeradministration: Invitation og administration af andre brugere

Brugere er de mennesker, der har adgang til og administrerer din organisations cybersikkerhedsindhold. Andre er "medarbejdere" fra Cyberday's synspunkt, som f.eks. accepterer retningslinjer via bot.

Læs mere om brugeradministration i Cyberday her.

Cyberday kan bruges via en webklient eller inde i Microsoft Teams. Du kan få notifikationer og påmindelser til Cyberday enten via e-mail, Teams eller Slack.

User signup via Teams

  1. Installer appen Cyberday
  2. Naviger til appen, og klik på fanen "Organization Dashboard".
  3. Klik på "Bekræft" for at bekræfte din identitet
  4. Klik på "Anmod om adgang" 

Dette vil oprette brugeren, og adgangen vil blive givet, når administratoren bekræfter anmodningen fra organisationsdashboardets indstillingssektion under "Afventende adgangsanmodninger".

Microsoft Teams giver dig mulighed for at installere up via en politik til alle brugere. Du kan f.eks. også sende en besked med installationsinstruktioner i teamet for cyber security core team.

User invitation via web client

Where to find this view: Dashboard -> Organization name drop down -> Settings -> User management

  1. Klik på "Indstillinger" i menuen til venstre på Dashboard
  2. Expand "User management" and click "Invite new user"
  3. Insert email under the list
  4. Choose a role and click "Invite"
From the Settings tab, navigate to "User Management". Select "Invite a new user".

User roles and rights

I Cyberday har ikke alle brugere de samme rettigheder. Det er med til at sikre, at kun de personer, der skal gøre det, har ret til at foretage vigtige ændringer og har adgang til ISMS og dets data. For mange medarbejdere vil det kun være nødvendigt med adgang til vejledningen. Læs mere om forskellige brugerroller og rettigheder.

External user

In Cyberday you can invite external users. Examples of external users are auditors, partners and other viewers. An external user is not counted in the statistics for instructions.

Within Teams, only users whose domain name is included in the list of allowed domains will be able to view the content of your Cyberday account.

Inviting an external user

  1. Click on "Settings" in the left menu on the Dashboard
  2. Select "Invite a new user" under "User Management"
  3. Enter your email address in the field below the list
  4. Select "Is this an external user?"
  5. Select the type of external user
Under "Invite new user", select "Is this an external user?". Then select the type of external user

Deaktivering og sletning af brugere

Som administrator har du mulighed for at deaktivere og slette konti. Dette gøres samme sted som at invitere nye brugere: Indstillinger -> Brugeradministration.

Passivating a user means that the user will no longer have access to the account, but will still be shown in the items they own. This option should be used in situations where for example, a key member of your security team changes jobs and a replacement does not yet exist. This way you won't lose information about which items need to find a new owner due to a change of person.

Under the person, behind the three dots, you will find the option "Deactivate"
When deactivating a user, Cyberday reminds you about what's about to happen.

Deleting a user is the final action. After this, you won't see the user on your account anymore. This will require you to select a new person responsible for the content owned by the user to be deleted.

New users are assigned responsibility for the ownership of the deleted user

I formularen til sletning af brugere kan du se forskellige indholdstyper, som denne bruger ejer i øjeblikket. De forskellige indholdstyper er:

  • Opgaver
  • Retningslinjer
  • Dokumentationselementer (f.eks. datasystemer, risici, partnere)
  • Rapporter

Fjern og tildel sletter brugeren og tildeler automatisk dennes indhold til de valgte nye ejere.

N.b.! Når en bruger fjernes, bevares de loghændelser, der er knyttet til vedkommende. Loghændelser fjernes kun, hvis det nøjagtige emne (f.eks. opgave, retningslinje eller dokumentationselement), de relaterer til, slettes.

Allowed domains

If you're using Cyberday via Teams, you can invite people from other email domains to access Cyberday via your Teams environment. This is beneficial e.g. when you work with an auditor in a Teams team in your tenant.

  1. Navigate to Settings from Organisation dashboard
  2. Go to "User management"
  3. Select "Invite new user"
  4. Enter user's email address and other required fields
  5. Select "Enable MS Teams access"

Now the user with other email domain is added to Allowed Teams domains list in your account. You can control these domains, if you e.g. later need to remove an allowed domain. Users are invited as a employee level user. User level can be changed in User management.

Only users that have been separately invited and can be seen on the User management -table from the related domains can access the account.


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